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Bishop Eddie Long Cancels Interview With Tom Joyner Morning Show

Bishop Eddie Long canceled his interview with the 'Tom Joyner Show' which was to air this morning plus cancels a press conference in the process. A third victim has also come forward and filed a lawsuit against the pastor. Jamal Parris said that Long gave him his personal cell phone number two weeks after they met. Parris then claims that Long had encouraged him to call him 'daddy' because Parris' father had not been a positive figure in his life. Parris said that he bacame Long's personal assistant,and in the lawsuit filed yesterday,Parris claims that the pastor would ask him to wait in his private office after church where they would then engage in sexual misconduct. Parris said that he evevtually left the church and later found out that there were other young male church members who said they,too,also had sexual contact with the Bishop. Bishop Long says he will address this scandal on Sunday morning during church. This is getting messier by the minute! Like I said before,he should have addressed this as soon as the s___ hit the fan,because he has a huge reputation and prolonging the press conference makes you look guilty. A wolf in sheeps clothing will always be revealed along with the truth sooner or later.


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