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Bishop Or Chartalan: You Decide

My observation after listening to Bishop E. Long was this: His rockstar entrance gave me a churning in my stomach,and a pain in my heart that I couldn't understand. Let's not forget about the flashy ring and custom made suit,bought and paid for by his flock of sheeple who worships the ground he walks on.There was a cult-like atmosphere in New Birth  this morning and before he started to speak,he paced back and forth like King Jesus,enjoying the applause,like some sort of a Messiah. The one thing that stood out for me was whenever he did something like take off his glasses,his supportive congregation exploded,hooping and a hollering like he was their Almighty  and he can do no wrong ,no matter what the evidence. It's like they were under a spell and nobody could bring them out of it. But anyway,it wasn't about what was said by Bishop Long,its what wasn't said. Not one time did he indulge in his innocence,not once did he say that I would never do something so horrible to someones child,and not once did he deny the mounting accusations that is against him. After listening to Bishop Long dance around like "MJ" in his speech,this is my conclusion:
I feel like the lord sucked the anointing and the holy spirit right out of Longs soul because I didn't feel anything,and yes I am a certified child of god and when a pastor preaches,I feel it if its real! Not this time.He looked as if he was exhausted and he had no fire.Basically,he had lost his mojo and that speaks volumes in my book. I'm not judging,just observing. And I will end by saying this,I can't understand why he didn't say something like I would like to pray for my accusers,because that is what a person who hasn't done anything would say. I can say that I was very embarrassed by this congregation because they turned their backs on the victims to support their 'King of Bling',you know the one, The more he preaches, the more he sins and The more he "sins" the more he preaches guy.   

Practice what you preach preachers,and let us all pray,not prey! Bishop Eddie Long is surely a reflection of his congregation.


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