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Fourth Victim Files Lawsuit Against Bishop

A fourth young man has filed a civil lawsuit against Bishop Eddie Long by former member Spencer LeGrande,who was a member of New Birth Charlotte. The lawsuit filed on Friday claims that Long told LeGrande that "I will be your daddy" and invited the then 17 year old to journey to Kenya with him in 2005. LeGrande also says that the pastor gave him a sleeping pill (Ambien) on that trip and the two engaged in sexual acts. Long apparently convinced LeGrande that "engaging in a sexual relationship was a healthy component for his spiritual life." LeGrande,who is now 22,said the two continued their relationship on a February 2006 trip to Africa,and after,he moved to Atlanta to attend Beulah Heights University at Long's encouragement. He said that Long also instructed him not to have any girlfriends,but that he pulled away from Long in the Spring of 2009 after he became "disillusioned." He moved back to Charlotte in October.This is very similar to the other three lawsuits filed except for the sleeping pills. No images of the fourth young man had been released ,only the first three victims. Bishop Long is suppose to address this scandal on Sunday morning and highly placed sources say that he will step down after doing so. Wow! I want to say this is a mess,and the mess is all in his message and the test will be in his testament on Sunday morning. All eyes will be on the Bishop and I think this was the wrong way to address this mess because it will be a media circus whole-heartedly!
A friend of one of the victims, Jamal Parris says that he called him while he was in Iraq,crying,telling him what happened between him and the Bishop,and his friend Antonio Makins saids that he believes Parris' story. I think that this ugly situation is being exposed because the good lord has had enough! He is the one who is peeling back the layers of these wolves in sheep clothing and I think that maybe the pastor should think very carefully about which chapter he reads his word from this Sunday,because it is a few that I have read that would be perfect for him to sum up this whole messy azz situation: Like: Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture,saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people;Ye have scattered my flock and driven them away,and have not visited them: behold,"I will visit upon you the evil of your doings,saith the Lord."Jerimiah 23:1&2, or this one if he's innocent:
When the wicked,even mine enemies and my foes,came upon me to eat my flesh,they stumbled and fell.Though an host should encamp against me,my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me,in this will I be confident. Psalms 27:2&3
Sources:CBS/FOX 5 Atlanta/ AJC/Aol Black Voices

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