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Nicki Minaj Says:Rihanna Is 'The Best Cake Squeezer'

Nicki Minaj does an exclusive for RWD magazine in which she talks about her album & mixtapes,working with Kanye West,Eminem,and Rihanna squeezing that azz!Nicki sent Rihanna some verses but didn't use them for her album,and this is what Nicki told RWD mag:

“So I knew eventually something would happen. And so now when she sees me she fondles me and stuff like that.”She fondled me at the MTV Video Music Awards and the American Music Awards. I love her. Right now she’s the girl that everybody loves. I’m so proud to have worked with her.”Let’s just say she’s the best fondler ever.”    

On what she hopes to accomplish in 2011:   

"I want to be a mogul;I want to have multiple businesses where I can employ people who are eager to learn.I want to have foundations where I can put people through college;I want my Barbs to be smart and to not depend on boys!I'd like to be remembered as one of the great rappers and a mogul,an actress,a mom and a wife."   

Damn,Nicki Minaj dreams big like a MF! If she becomes a mogul,actress,mom & wife with multiple businesses in 2011,then I will personally go out and by this b*tch album!


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