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EPIC Twitter Fail Of The MF Month

This is what happens when you mix crack with Jesus juice!Chris Browns mother showed the world via her Twitter why he is so f*cked up and where he gets it from.Neither one of them knows how to spell,so the apple doesn't fall from the tree.He should really put a muzzle on her and lock up her computer,because it is obvious that she'd rather tweet stupid sh*t like this,instead of getting her son some much needed help. Anyway,this right here is ri-got-damn-diculous!#dead at this _____! So here is my open letter to MomBreezy:

Yes,Mom Breezy,Chris  Brown is anointed with gin & juice,blunts,Vaseline,cum juice and abusive behavior.Your are the Queen enabler,and the reason that your son is a loser and woman beater.It's very clear to me that you are as delusional as he & his #TEAM BREEZY fans.Instead of getting him the help he needed when he was a child,this is what you unleashed to the world,a hot headed maniac!If you weren't so busy trying to get your Twitter shine on,instead of raising your son,then he may have amounted to something other than the arrogant narcissistic abusive man child that he has become.Instead of chasing FAME you old bird,pick up a book and hand one over to your illiterate man child,who cannot form a complete sentence.Furthermore,get off of Twitter and act like a damn mother and get your sick child some HELP and go a step further and get yourself some.Oh by the way,Annointed is spelled Anointed.Put the pipe down loser.


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