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Rihanna's 'LGOE' Tour Stops In Sacramento,CA

Rihanna makes a stop in Sacramento,CA with her Last Girl On Earth Tour,featuring pop chick Ke$ha,whom is RiRi's opening act. I don't understand Ke$ha's look! WTF does she have on? (Kanye Shrug)She just has this trailer-park trash look that I'm not feeling! She needs a freaking stylist ASAP. And Rihanna,sweety,please go back to your previous hair color because that is way too hoodrattish(if that is even a word) for your taste! I love Rihanna to pieces,but I will wait for the next album & tour,because I just ain't feeling all the gyrating and red hair game,plus I can't fathom Ke$ha. It's just too much rolled all up into one show.I just can't! Pop the cork for more Rih & Ke$ha:


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