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Glee Cast 'Gone Wild' With Steamy GQ Photoshoot

The cast of Glee is burning up the pages of the November issue of GQ magazine with their raunchy yet steamy photoshoot. Wow! Isn't this supposed to be a family oriented show,because if so,why is the cast getting almost nekkid and shooting this soft porn cover? Like I always say,nothing surprises anyone,anymore.In their interview with the mag,Lea Michele talks about being told that she needed a nose job; Pop the lock for the heated photos:
Photos:Via GQ
“I was one of the only girls in my high school that didn’t get one. And if anybody needed it, I probably did. But my mom always told me, growing up, ‘Barbra Streisand  didn’t get a nose job. You’re not getting a nose job.’ And I didn’t. F— those people. That’s why I’m proud to be on a positive show and to be a voice for girls and say, ‘You don’t need to look like everybody else. Love who you are.’ ”


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