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The Best Of 2010 In Music

Then end of 2010 in near but we can't forget about all of the awesome things that happened in music this year.So Here are the best of 2010 in music:
1. Eminem: Eminem was on a Hiatus,and many,including me thought he would never release another album.Thank goodness he did because his album Recovery was a huge success and he is up for 10 Grammys because of it.
2. Rihanna: Rihanna didn't stop her machine after her Rated R album,Dropping LOUD,and it becoming one of her fastest selling albums of her career.Rih Rih's album had also been named the 4th highest selling cd in the UK this year and is on her way to triple platinum. Loud is a classic and solid album.
3. Nicki Minaj: Nicki Minaj took everyone by surprise with her cartoonish behavior and multiple personalities such as Roman & Rosa,when she upset the old school rappers with her catchy hooks,colored wigs, and poppy rap style.Nicki Minaj has sold over 600,000 albums so far and from what the numbers are looking like this week,she will sell another 100,000 plus copies of her debut album Pink Friday.  
4. Kanye West: Kanye West has had an amazing comeback,despite the hatred and blackballing of his album.After his run in with Taylor Swift,Kanye seemed to be falling apart.When Kanye emerged with MBDTF album,everyone including myself was excited to have our Kanye West back. Kanye's first week numbers were staggering,selling over 500,000 copies. 
5.Bonus:Justin Bieber: You have to throw in Justin Bieber,because he is doing his thing.Usher discovered this little gem on you tube and he shot straight to stardom.I remember watching bieber on you tube before he was signed,and I said that kid is talented and is going to be a star!And now look at Bieber,selling millions of albums and there is no stopping him now.Congrats to all of these artists who hustled their way to the top. Can't wait to see what each of them have planned for 2011.


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