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Joe Jonas Gives Us The Details

Joe Jonas covers Details magazine looking like a grown man,a sexy one at that! This Jobro has always been the heartthrob of the bunch,and as you can see,things only get better with time,lol.Joe is going solo with his music,and in his interview with Details,he talks about that,Ashley Greene,and much more.Pop the lock for the hotness.

On his relationship with Ashley:

 “It feels good. I think what works about it is she really puts my feelings first. She understands my busy schedule. She’ll fly out to my shows—she’s been to places in South America that I can’t even pronounce.” And in January, he visited her in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, while she was shooting the next two installments of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn: Part I and Part II (Greene plays the psychic vampire Alice Cullen). He also flew to Jacksonville, Florida, to meet her parents. “Her dad can drink me to shame,” Joe says. “He’s awesome.”

Photos: Details Magazine


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